We work with qualified candidates to amplify their business on a major network to showcase their expertise to create trusted content that is endorsed by a third party.

Establish Credibility! Build Authority! Be a Thought Leader!
We work with entrepreneurs, business owners, influencers, and established companies to amplify their visibility and establish unwavering credibility with TV Interviews.

Anyone can make a YouTube video. But not everybody can be on TV.

TV Interview Masters is a specialized marketing service designed to empower small and medium-sized business owners in promoting their brands, products, or services through strategically curated TV interviews on major networks like ABC, CBS, NBC, or Fox. In a digital era saturated with online content, TV Interview Masters recognizes the unparalleled impact and credibility associated with television exposure. Unlike generic YouTube videos, securing a spot on national networks elevates businesses by providing a prestigious platform for showcasing their offerings. With expertise in navigating the intricacies of television interviews, TV Interview Masters offers a unique avenue for businesses to stand out and make a lasting impression on a broader audience.

We provide a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: We will secure a TV interview on either NBC, ABC, CBS, or FOX.

Yes! I want to be featured on TV!

Benefits of TV Interviews

Establish a presence with media exposure and garner attention by securing interviews on major TV networks.

  • Promote yourself as an authority within your industry
  • Amplify your business narrative to a wide-reaching audience
  • Distinguish yourself from competitors and gain rapid recognition
  • Enhance your influence and establish strong brand credibility among your target audience
  • Expose your offerings to influential decision-makers in your industry
  • Use your TV Interview in your online marketing campaigns
  • Expand your social media following
  • Boost website traffic and improve Google rankings

Why Us?

Today, the lines between PR, marketing and advertising have completely disappeared. At the same time, the explosion of social media has diluted the impact and availability of traditional media. As a result, strategic marketing communications campaigns increasingly require expertise in a variety of areas to most effectively help your brand tell its story, increase awareness and touch your customer.

At TV Interview Masters, our publicity, digital marketing, design and publishing services provide you with the advantage needed to reach and engage today’s audiences when, how and where they want to be reached.

Top-tier television media coverage has a powerful impact, increasing brand awareness by an impressive average of 84%.

Undoubtedly, television stands as the unrivaled platform to reach a vast audience within your target market simultaneously. Irrespective of whether this is your initial foray or a recurring appearance, TV Interview Masters possess the necessary relationships and expertise to promptly secure your booking.

TV Interview Masters did exactly what they said they would do. They got me on ABC to establish my authority as a Legal expert, with a monthly segment.
Paul Wilkes, Esq.
Legal Expert
"For a fraction of the cost of a typical PR Agency, TV Interview Masters was able to secure two interviews on NBC and CBS, within one week!”
Mike Taylor
Fitness CEO and Certified Personal Trainer
"I've have my own YouTube channel and always reach the same audience. But when I appeared on NBC to promote myself and my business, it helped me gain new clients that I would never have had before."
Brian Peterson, MD
Medical Professional

Who We Serve

Whether you’re a big company, a startup, an entrepreneur, an author, an attorney, or a product, brand, or service, securing TV interviews on NBC, ABC, CBS, and FOX will undeniably benefit you.

What You'll Get

Anyone can have a YouTube video made. But, having a TV interview on a major network like NBC, CBS, ABC or FOX is a quality third-party endorsement that will resonate with your audience and build your credibility. 

Let us help you gain recognition and establish your leadership in your field.

Our Guarantee To You

Our guarantee to you is that we will secure TV Interviews on NBC, ABC, CBS, or FOX.

Morning network news programs on major networks like ABC, NBC, and CBS draw 2-4 million viewers. It's a prime opportunity to reach a large audience and increase your visibility.

Using your TV Interview in your online marketing will skyrocket your success and reach millions!

How It Works

Unlike PR agencies that charge you a monthly retainer with the allure of possibly getting you media interviews, we do not charge any monthly retainers! We believe in transparent pricing, without any hidden fees or unexpected charges, because we understand the value of your time.

Here’s how it works:

  • Schedule a call with us so that we can understand your objectives and goals.
  • We learn about your area of expertise, marketing budget, and timing.
  • Our team will present you with options during your meeting to schedule your TV interview on NBC, ABC, CBS or FOX.
  • You book it with us at the time of your call and the interview date is set within 1-2 weeks later.

With us, you can trust that your television goals are our top priority, and we are dedicated to helping you make a meaningful impact through television appearances.

Cities We Work With

Local TV news viewership has risen by 35% in the past decade, offering increased opportunities to connect with your community.

Secure Your Featured TV Interviews Now

Boost sales, establish thought leadership, and enhance Google search rankings through TV interviews on NBC, ABC, CBS, and FOX.

Benefits of Having a TV Interview

The TV Interview Masters team has established strong connections with journalists and producers nationwide to provide you with an affordable option to secure a TV interview. 

Our partnerships with television stations across the country allow us to provide guaranteed interviews on NBC, ABC, CBS, and FOX.

FREE Guide to maximizing your TV Exposure

Unsure about the impact of being booked on NBC, ABC, CBS, and FOX for establishing thought leadership? Download our free guide to optimize your TV exposure, packed with valuable tips and tricks to make the most of every television interview.